| Ashant Gareeb - 200303978 Project title Heterologous expression of the endomannanase of Scopulariopsis candida LMK008 and evaluation of its effect on the digestibility of animal feed Supervisor Dr R. Govinden |
 | Ashmita Arjoon – 205508466 Project title
Bioremediation of water co-contaminated with 1,2-DCA and heavy metals Supervisor Dr AO Olaniran
Prof B. Pillay |
 | Farnaaz Malick – 204011270 Project title Survival of foodborne pathogens in soil and irrigation water and their potential uptake into fruits and vegetables Supervisor Prof B. Pillay |
 | Sphumelele Thuledu Duma - 206521516 Project title Characterization of factors involved in and affecting biofilm formation by Aeromonas spp. Isolates Supervisor
Dr H. Chenia |
 | Lettisha Hiralal - 205511524 Project title
Profiling flavour active ester compounds in beer under different nutritional and fermentation conditions Supervisor
Prof B. Pillay
Dr A.O. Olaniran |
 | Lucretia Govender - 204000555 Project title Seasonal variation of microflora and their effects on the quality of wood chips Supervisor
Dr R. Govinden |
| Preshanthie Naicker - 204501999 Project title
A pilot study into onsite grewwater treatment and reuse Supervisor
Dr AO Olaniran |